

Last updated 29th July, 2024

This is part of our Privacy Policy for Stamper, accessible from stamper.enriquesp.com/privacy

Purpose of this section

As mentioned in our Privacy Policy (accessible from stamper.enriquesp.com/privacy), we collect data from you for the necessary functioning of our app. This section explains how to remove such data from our servers if, at any point, you wished to do so.

How to delete your account?

For security reasons, we avoid deleting your account for you. The fastest and easiest way is to do it by deleting your account in the "Settings" section of the app.

The steps to delete your account are to login to the account on Android or iOS and tap on the icon Settings icon on the top right of the page. After that, head to the section "Account" and proceed to the bottom to find the button for "Delete account". You will be asked to provide your password again for security purposes and then your account and the data associated with it will instantly dissapear.

If you are having problems getting your account deleted with these steps, please contact stamper@enriquesp.com.

Please, beaware that deleting your account will make all your data and content created dissapear forever.

Deleting some of the data

You can at any time delete content that you have created on the app, by heading to the appropiate sections of the app and deleting each thread of content.

There is no possibility of removing some of your personal data, especially the one required for during the sign up of your account. The only possibility to remove such data from our servers is to delete the whole account.


If you are looking for more information, you can contact us at stamper@enriquesp.com.